
Full Version: Cosplay Suggestions for Pixie
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Make her Batman.
(05-03-2010, 08:29 AM)Binah Wrote: [ -> ]I've never heard of them.... Link to pictures maybe?

Vampire Pomeranian: http://img.skitch.com/20080523-qndgcr4um...tmhtt6.jpg, definitely not cute but its ferocious?
Uhh.... Yea no, that's freaky as hell. Plus I wouldn't even know what to do with that.
Dress her up as a fairy. Oh the irony...XD
Actually I really was considering wings and antenna. XD
It'll be funny to see if she thinks that she can catch the wings or antenna. And if she can I'm sure she will nom on them.
Or be afriad of them and try to run from them.
Totally make her a Dino Rider. Imagine Pixie wearing this...


Probably in perfect scale with her too :p
XD That's ok.
Navi from Zelda.
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