
Full Version: Local Meetups
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So I'm guessing anyone here with BJDs are on DOA. But for those who aren't or don't go on much, I figure the ones who do can update us all when local Meetups are happening!

The most recent one is Sat Dec 19th at Malvina (Mindy)'s house from 2-6pm. Her house is located in Glenville and this meetup with have a Secret Santa event.
If anyone is interested please view this thread:

Or you can contact me directly for information. I know Mindy probably wouldn't appreciate me posting her personal info around. ^_^;
there used to be meeting at the guilderland public library i think you can request the space but idk
XD!! Funny you mention that, we just went to a meetup there on nov 30th!
oh they still have it there?

do you know a girl named Ashly who goes to those things?
Uh... I don't know anyone by their real names, only their DOA names.
I can't wait for the meet up coming up! Big Grin
I wanted to update this with the May meet up. It's Sunday, May 23 from 1-5. We are meeting at Jumpin' Jacks then going to Collins Park across the street for photos. For more info, here is the link on DoA: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showth...lin-s-Park
I thought that I would update the thread, since it hasn't been in awhile. January's meetup is going to be at the Guilderland Public Library from 1pm until 5pm on the 8th. This is the thread on DoA: Link
February's meet up will be Sunday of Genericon. More info to come.